Saturday, October 31, 2009
Have a Happy and Safe Halloween

Friday, October 30, 2009
Prom Night

Well the other night I was cleaning up a bit and found the DVD amongst a few books so I figured why not watch it. I didn't get around to it until I was ready for bed so I put it in my portable DVD player, put the earphones in, and enjoyed a wonderful 80s movie.
The opening scene has the creepiest game of hide and go seek that I have ever seen. These kids are playing in a abandoned building and the seeker yells out "The killers are coming, The killers are coming". It's shot wonderfully and has the perfect sense of menace to it. Well needless to say one kid meets the end of her life and the others swear themselves to secrecy.
Skip ahead 6 years later and the older sister (Jamie Lee Curtis) of the dead girl is dating one of the kids who caused her death and they are getting ready for the Senior Prom. One by one they are getting rewarded for their past behavior.
I figured out who the killer was pretty early in the movie despite a red herring that is fed to us on a silver platter. Half way through the movie I began to doubt myself and shift the blame to someone else but that quickly went out of my head and I became convinced I was right the first time.
If you like cheesy 80s slasher/horror movies (the way I do) then this is a must see. Try to get to it before Halloween if possible, that way your brain is already wanting to be scared.
Synopsis From Back Cover:
Four Hamilton High School seniors have been hiding the truth of what happened to ten-year-old Robin Hammond for six long years. But someone saw what they did ans i preparing for revenge--a prom night killing spree. Hooded, masked, and wilding an axe, he'll stalk his prey in the dark, empty halls, striking when his victims are alone. And just as the spotlight falls upon the newly crowned king and queen, the killer will show everyone what his favorite game to play is...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Foundation by Mercedes Lackey

Word Verification Balderdash

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Favorite Fictional Characters --- Michael Meyers

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Taken by Norah McClintock

Monday, October 26, 2009
Mailbox Monday for 10/26/2009

Friday, October 23, 2009
Interview and Giveaway with Dakota Banks, author of Dark Times

I am so excited to present to you the wonderful Dakota Banks who was kind enough to answer a few questions and give two lucky winners the chance to win a signed copy of Dark Times, the first book in her Mortal Path series. I had the privilege of reviewing the book back in September. You can find my review here. Needless to say I love it.
She is a brilliant author with an interesting background and childhood. Which included growing up in a converted funeral home. With her passion for archaeology and the paranormal she is able to blend them together to create a wonderfully fleshed out world.
So with no further ado I present to you Dakota Banks in her own words along with an excerpt from the next book in the series, Sacrifice. Giveaway details will be at the end.
First of all I just want to thank you for you time and the opportunity to speak with you. I would like to start off with a basic question. When and how did you decide that you wanted to write a book?
I've known I wanted to be a writer since I was in elementary school. I wrote science fiction short stories in high school and got hand-written rejection letters, the key word here being rejection. Then the haze of life drifted in, or maybe the Mists of Avalon, and when I awoke again to the idea of writing, I had gotten to the point where my husband had stopped using individual candles on my birthday cake and instead bought those big, dramatic candles shaped like numbers. If I was going to be a writer, I'd have to stop using the excuse that I didn't have time to write. So one day I typed "Chapter One," and kept on going. I'd like to say that I started writing just then for the joy of it, but what actually motivated me to start at that particular time was a contest deadline and prize money. I love writing and can't imagine doing anything else, but it took a deadline and dollars to get me to start my first book. Oh, the shame of it. Plus I didn't win.
That first book, a futuristic thriller, was good enough to get me an agent. Although publishers liked the writing, they weren't too taken with the main character, since there wasn't a clear main character. After numerous rejections, I finally got the hint. I needed to write something that I loved and that was salable too. I developed a series based on virtual reality recreations of homicides. Full immersion VR, where you step into the life-sized scene. There are five of those books published under a different name. I eventually went back and rewrote my first book, using what I'd learned over the years, and it's published now too. So I can legitimately say I published the first book I ever wrote.
After six books I wanted to try something different, a series that would allow me to switch to paranormal. Dark Time is the first book in the urban fantasy/paranormal thriller genre for me. It is so exciting to be writing in this area, but scary because it is almost like starting all over. Okay, it is like starting all over. There's not a great deal of cross-over from techno-thriller readers to paranormal. But I strongly feel that if a writer isn't doing something she loves, it's apparent to the readers. So even in the bottom-line-oriented publishing world, a writer has to follow her heart, and that could mean writing in different genres at different times in a writing career.
Where did the idea for Dark Time come from?
Dark Time was a long time in the making, since the idea was born during the early days of the Iraq war, when the Iraq National Museum was looted in 2003. Iraq includes the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and has treasures from ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, among them Sumeria. The theft and senseless destruction of so many artifacts in the museum hit me hard, as it did many others around the world who have been working to restore the museum's collection.
I've been an amateur archaeologist for years, with a particular interest in the Sumerian civilization. Some of those artifacts have been around 3,000-5,000 years. That got me thinking first about what if there were ancient artifacts that were much more resilient and couldn't be destroyed by mere humans? And if there were artifacts, why not stretch it more and have ancient gods still here? Why not a human or two from that time period, although they wouldn't be fully human anymore? As a writer, these ideas excited me because there was a lot of wiggle room in them--paranormal elements with ancient legends coming to life in the present, a quest for artifacts, personal stories that could play out on both a very big stage and a small one, drama, romance, action. The ideas were so big and powerful that it took a long time to create characters and a story structure from them.
Why Sumerian/Babylonian mythology as an inspiration as opposed to Native American, Celtic or some other myth system?
I'd have to blame the Epic of Gilgamesh I read years ago for that. Many who read one of its various translations--the original is written in cuneiform on twelve tablets--are briefly caught up in the imaginative story of the legendary god-king and the Sumerian gods who are sprinkled in it, then slip back to other things they can relate to more easily. In my case, I got stuck in it, like an insect in amber, and it generated an interest in civilizations in the Mesopotamian region. Gilgamesh is an epic poem from roughly 4,200 years ago that tells the story of the Sumerian King Gilgamesh, who may or may not have been a real-life character from about 4,700 years ago. Recent discoveries support the existence of Gilgamesh, which makes me wonder what he did as a real man that inspired such legends. Of all the tales told about him, the most human to believe is that he started his kingship with the unsavory habit of deflowering virgin brides on their wedding days, leaving the grooms to twiddle their, er, thumbs and causing plenty of marriages to start with humiliation and anger. A perfect setup for a murder mystery, and exactly the type of behavior Maliha Crayne (Dark Time's protagonist) would bring to a halt.
There's another reason I couldn't resist using Sumerian myths. The Sumerians believed that their gods didn't originate on Earth. According to their myths, the gods (or Annukai) came from another planet, Niburu, supposedly a part of our solar system but with a wildly eccentric orbit. Niburu approaches Earth every 3,600 years. All of this is speculation and myth; not proven fact. About 450,000 years ago, the Annukai transferred from Niburu to Earth to search for gold. The Sumerian creation myth revolves around these aliens and their actions here. To get in on the 2012 frenzy already beginning to build, the story is that Niburu will return to Earth's vicinity in 2012 and one of two things will happen. It will collide with Earth, or the Annukai will come back to Earth and be pleased--or not--with the humans they created and refined long ago. I don't believe all this, but I do eat it up, and it's definitely timely!
I've always wanted to ask an author why the abundance of protagonists in the genre are women. Is it that most authors in the genre are women? Are most of the readers women? Or is it another reason I've never even thought of?
The contemporary urban fantasy genre is currently heavily shaded toward vampire, werewolf, faerie, and shape shifter stories. I'm going to stick my neck out (hah!) and probably get blasted, but I think there is a strong undercurrent of sexuality running through these stories that are fantasies women have about exotic, powerful creatures. Women readers relate better to women protagonists when it comes to sex or emotional issues, and there are a lot of women authors writing material that caters to these fantasies. A woman reader loses herself in the female protagonist's world and has two dark, dangerous vampires fighting to possess her, or two alpha werewolves, while discovering that only she can stop the war that will throw the world into chaos for centuries. Beats doing the laundry any day--I can vouch for that! The best of these books also contain deep character development, especially on an emotional basis, that creates a bond to the character and helps the woman reader put herself into the scene.
I think this is the "mainstream" of urban fantasy right now, but there is also traditional urban fantasy that predated the sexy vampire craze and continues alongside it, and a lot of that is written by male authors. A good example is one of my favorite authors, Charles de Lint, and his series of books set in the imaginary city of Newford. Also consider these vampire stories: They Thirst by Robert R. McCammon; I Am Legend by Richard Matheson; and Salem's Lot by Stephen King. (My thanks to the Goodreads October Newsletter for refreshing my mind about these three.) Not much in the way of pervasive sex there.
I think there's room within urban fantasy for stories that have strong female protagonists who create an emotional bond, but are coupled with a lot of action: a thriller-fantasy. I had a great time researching and writing Dark Time and book two, Sacrifice, due out in August 2010. They're the type of books I love to read because I can get the fantasy (paranormal) punch while exploring some new territory as a reader.
As I said in my review I loved the cliffhanger ending. Can you give us a hint at what is in store for the next book?
The title, Sacrifice, is meaningful and refers to events that made me cry when I wrote them. I can also offer a short excerpt from Sacrifice below. It's not the beginning of the book, and it's still unedited, so it may change in minor ways. This is the setup to an action scene as Maliha visits the lab of her friends, scientists Ty and Claire Rainier, who are analyzing a specimen from Africa that she sent to them.
All right boys and girls just for reading this far in I'm going to give you the details of the Giveaway now. Two lucky winners will each receive a signed copy of Dark Times. Dakota has graciously offered to ship them anywhere in the world so this contest is open to everyone.
To enter the giveaway please leave a comment stating your favorite mythological character. It could be a god, goddess, hero, or creature. Please include your email address with your comments. No email, no entry. The giveaway will be open until 11:59 PM CST on Friday Nov. 6th.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Agatha Christie Challenge --- The Secret of Chimneys

Word Verification Balderdash

Here is what you do. You write down all the word verifications you come across as you are posting comments on other peoples blogs. You then play Balderdash with them. Now for those of you who don't know how to play, you take a made up word and come up with a authentic sounding definition for it. Do this for a week and then post your best ones every Thursday.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Favorite Fictional Character --- Dracula

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Torchwood: Something in the Water by Trevor Baxendale

Monday, October 19, 2009
Health Insurance Now
I've actually toyed with the idea of starting a political blog but I don't think I would have the time to be as active on it as I would want to. So now I'm having to post this here, on this blog, because I need somewhere to put my reactions to this story I just read.
Here is the link, I'm not going to try and clean it up because if I do, I know I will mess up and break it somehow.
It is from the Journal Sentinel Online website. The Journal Sentinel is a paper out of Milwaukee, WI and one that I visit from time to time.
I found myself getting rather emotional over this story and more than a bit frustrated. The story is about a family who is having to make hard, hard choices just to make sure they have health insurance. The wife has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and is having a rough go of it. The husband had lost his job, his severance package was expiring, he has not been able to find a job, and their health insurance was about to get too expensive for them to afford.
The needed the insurance though to cover the cost of the wife's chemo and medical bills. So what does the husband and father of three find himself doing at the age of 39 and while his wife is sick and suffering a relapse of the cancer.
He joins the Army, which is a heroic thing to do, but it should not be the last option for a husband to make in order to have health insurance for his family. He has to be away from his family for 4 years while his wife suffers without him being there. No family, No individual should ever have to make this choice.
We need universal health care in this country so families don't have to tear themselves apart in order to get coverage. I'm tired of the bickering and fighting over the issue and wish those fighting the idea of providing health coverage for everyone would realize that there are real people, real families that suffer due to the lack of health insurance. I wish they would realize that doing nothing is not an option anymore, that those who die every year simply because they lack coverage are victims of a system in disorder. That living in a country where millions of people without health insurance is a problem. That it is an economic, moral, and public policy emergency that needs to be fixed so situations like this never happen again.
Mailbox Monday for 10/19/2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009
10 Kids I will Not Babysit

I love kids. They are the only people I have infinite patience with but even I have to draw the line somewhere. There are just some kids that are down right bad or even dangerous and why would I want to put myself in a precarious position. Now some of the kids I mention aren't deadly but all of them are creepy and would give me nightmares if I had to watch them while their parents were out on the town.
As a side note I never realized how much Stephen King doesn't like children, 4 of the finalists on the list came from his imagination.

First up is Charlene "Charlie" McGee from "Firestarter". Can you really blame a guy for not wanting to be around her? Who wants to be turned into ash because you sent a cranky kid to bed?
Now I know this isn't one kid but a group of kids but there was no way I could leave them off the list. The children of Gatlin, NE from "The Children of the Corn" have got to be some of the scariest around. Not only do they seriously dislike adults but they hang out with some creepy guy called "He Who Walks Behind the Rows". Now what kind of idiotic name is that?

Now I know that Cole Sear, from "The Sixth Sense", is neither dangerous or evil. However, I really don't feel like babysitting a kid who talks to dead people and animated, electronic teddy bears.
I'm not even sure there is enough money in the world for me to watch Damien Thorn from "The Omen". Not only is his father the Big Evil One, but he really doesn't get along with his mother and has a habit of being attacked by other primates.
Now just because Danny Torrance, from "The Shinning", is psychic that doesn't mean he is a bad kid. I just get creeped out by the whole redrum thing and besides do I really want to ask his father for my fee?

Then there is adorable Gage Creed from "Pet Semetary". Such a sweet young child until he died and his father had to go and bury him in the wrong plot. Now he is a scalpel wielding murderer who took out his mom and tried to eliminate his dad. I don't want to be next.

Young Henry Evans from "The Good Son" isn't quite old enough to shave but ever since the death of his brother he hasn't been the same. I'm just not sure I would feel safe enough with just the two of us in the house.

Regan MacNeil from "The Exorcist" isn't bad she's possessed and she is sticking to that excuse. Between the yelling, screaming, and head turning I would never get a moment of piece while her mother is out shopping. Besides getting pea soup off your clothes is such a hassle and Mrs. MacNeil wouldn't pay the dry cleaning bill.

The children of Midwich in "The Village of the Damned" are just creepy as can be. Who wants to be around kids that can make you crash your car into a wall or shoot yourself. Of course with these kids you may have no choice but to watch them.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Fright Night

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Word Verification Balderdash

Here is what you do. You write down all the word verifications you come across as you are posting comments on other peoples blogs. You then play Balderdash with them. Now for those of you who don't know how to play, you take a made up word and come up with a authentic sounding definition for it. Do this for a week and then post your best ones every Thursday.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
In Memory of Captain Lou Albano

Favorite Fictional Characters --- The Sanderson Sisters

Now normally three evil witches bent on eating the souls of children in order to stay alive and young would not be very likable or on my list of Favorite Fictional Characters.
However, Winifred, Sarah, and Mary Sanderson are not your typical evil witches. After being hung for their crimes in 1693 they are brought back to life, in 1993, after a virgin lights a black flame candle on Halloween night. At first they are a little confused by the sights and sounds of a modern Halloween but they come to realize that they are in a prime spot for taking back their lives.
Now because the sisters are played by Bette Midler, Kathy Njimy, and Sarah Jessica Parker the sisters are hilarious, likable and just fun to watch. Whether it's singing "I Put a Spell on You" and actually putting a spell over a Halloween party, kicking around the zombie they bring back to life, or how they interact with each other; they are hilarious and a lot of fun to watch. So much so that when they are defeated in the end, you almost feel sorry for them.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
10 of My Favorite Halloween Candies (From 5th Grade)

I have no idea why I'm doing this post other than the fact that trick-or-treating is on my brain right now. My son and I are trying to figure out what he is going to be for Halloween. Now naturally the candy receptacle depends on what his costume is. Then that brought my brain to the last time I remember candy collecting. 5th grade is really the last time I remember going, I was a mummy. So with no further ado, I present my favorite treats from that year.

These guys are the whole reason I love malts. The strawberry ones are just as good.

There was one house that gave these out every year. This was the coolest candy to be found in the neighborhood.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Lost Boys

Mailbox Monday for 10/12/2009

Mailbox Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
10 Houses I Never Want To Live In

One of my favorite genres of Horror, whether movies or books, is the haunted house. There is just something wonderful about a creepy home that has spirits of those gone before walking the halls and scaring the crap out of people. I decided to share some of the cinematic homes I would not stay in for a hour let along live in.

The Allardyce House is truly a carnivorous structure feeding off and restoring itself from the lives of it's dwellers. Violence, blood, and death brings this dilapidated mansion back to life. "Burnt Offerings" is a wonderful movie and a still unread book by Robert Marasco.

The Belasco House, the centerpiece of "The Legend of Hell House" based off of a Richard Matheson book, it is the Mount Everest of haunted houses. Whether it's one spirit or many, this house is truly a repository for evil and terror.

Hill House, the massive home built by Hugh Crane, is the beginning and the ending of Eleanor Vance's life. Loud pounding on the walls, messages written on the walls, and rooms that close in on themselves will be enough to convince you this house is truly evil. This version of the house, the 1963 "The Haunting", is far superior to the remake and more closely resembles the house in the book The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson.

The dwelling from "The House on Haunted Hill" from 1959 is truly a place of murder and mayhem. With secret rooms and vats of acid in the cellar you may never come out if you go in.

The Nebbercracker house has a mind and life of it's own in "Monster House". When the spirit of a circus freak decides to take vengeance no one is safe from it's wrath.

Who would want a visit from Norman Bates in the shower? That alone is enough to keep me far away from the Bates House, the Bates Motel, the county, and the state.

Rose Red, the decrepit old mansion in Seattle, is definitely one crazy house. What else would you call a house that continues to change and grow all by itself? This is one of Stephen King's best works.