I will pass on Jason and Freddy. Laugh at Chucky and Pinhead. Oh, but Michael Meyers is another story. Now I know this isn't the best picture of my silent, slasher hero but it will have to do for this post.
Of all the great unstoppable killers in the history of cinema there is no other that even holds a candle to him. The star of 9 films (2 of them really bad Rob Zombie movies) and a body count any psychopath can be proud of he is a star of the silver screen.
The first time I saw the original Halloween movie it scared the crap out of me. I was 13 years old and really didn't want to watch it at the time. Not because I would be scared, quite the opposite actually. I didn't think it would scare me at all. I remembered watching the first Friday the 13th movie and the first Nightmare on Elm Street movie and neither one scared me one bit. To me it was a human killing other humans, nothing all that scary. My mom made me watch it though and it terrified the hell out of me. There was something so creepy about Michael.
Jason Voorhees was just as silent as Michael but he wasn't as scary. Michael has a presence about him that is amazing. Whether it's the way he cocks his head or the way he walks he is a killing machine that oozes terror. Now that last thing I have to say is that by typing this I've talked myself into watching the first two movies tonight after I put my son to bed.
I think they all scared me as a kid but I remember watching the first Friday the 13th when I was like 7 or so. I had friends over for a sleepover and when Jason popped up out of the water at the end, the whole house erupted in screams lol.
I've never actually watched any of the Halloween movies - does Michael talk at all or just kill?
For some reason, one day I caught a Saw marathon on Spike and I just spent hours watching movie after movie. Jigsaw would be my pick - what a creative guy! What new torture device is he going to come up with next?
Zia, The only other one that terrified me as a kid was Children of the Corn. Those damn kids were just freaky.
Stephanie, Michael never talks but there is such a menacing atmosphere to him. I like the first saw movie because it was origonal and not to over the top. The rest of them just got to gory and not scary for me. Same with the Hostel movies.
Oh yes the corn kids are creepy little buggers.
Ryan, Halloween is my favorite horror movie of all time. I rewatch it every Halloween, along with part 2, 4, 5 and H20. I actually started watching it today while my son took a nap. Is that wrong? hopefully he didn't overhear anything.
Yes, i agree with you Michael is the best. Rob Zombie can stuff it.
GAH! Hes a slow walker and those guys creep me out!
He still is truly the scariest. Something about that mask (hard to believe it's a James T. Kirk mask, isn't it?!) and it's blank look is just beyond creepy!
In happier times, my aunt used to have a Halloween party for her daughters every year and we would do a whole haunted house set up. My husband was Michael Myers every year...complete with mask and jumpsuit.
Oh, yes. We must give Michael his due.
The original Halloween is one of my all time favourite horror movies. This guy freaked me out! And combined with the theme tune *shivers*
Yes, I was sacred stiff when I first watched Halloween! What a creepy guy!
I think the silence helped greatly to make the part. You knew he was coming but didn't quite know what angle he was coming from. Was scary! This is a classic, and I don't think anyone will ever be able to match.
Great pick! Sorry, I was not able to get to do my FFC this week. I plan on being back at it next week.
Halloween is a quality slasher pic, top of the bunch! Along with Halloween 2, which is really just an extension of the first one, occuring on the same night where the first left off. The ones that came after were not up to the first two's standard (and I'm not even considering the rip-off Halloween 3 that doesn't even belong in the series), but are still campy, scary fun, and Michael is a constant menace. I didn't realize that Rob Zombie was responsible for some. I saw the one with Tyra Banks and the reality show in the Myers house last week. Jamie Lee Curtis was only in the first few minutes, but her presence still gives it a bit extra - she is one of the main reasons the first two films are so classic (and I need to add H2O to my collection). Loved her in Terror Train, as well. I will be watching Halloween and Halloween 2 on Halloween, as is my custom.
Happy screaming!!!
Never seen it - never will.
(Actually, when I first saw the title of this post, I thought you were going to talk about Mike Meyers from SNL. -_-)
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