Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!

Book Blogger Holiday Swap

I was super excited when I got my Book Blogger swap package today. I started jumping up and down with joy. Then I opened it and I jumped even higher. I want to thank Nicole of Linus's Blanket for my wonderful package. My digital camera is still broken, so I had to resort to images of some of the presents I got. I wish I could give you a wonderful picture of them all together but I can't so after I'm done with this post I'm going to pout in a corner.

I also got a wonderful book of postcards that features Hollywood fan magazine covers from the 1940s. I was able to find a picture of one of the postcards in the book and I thought I would post that here. It's a picture of Myrna Loy as Nora Charles and Asta from the Thin Man movie series.

I also got some wonderful wild flower stickers and some index tabs for when I'm reading and need to mark places for future reference.
Top 10 Favorite Books of 2009

Frostbitten by Kelley Armstrong

Nightwatch by Sergei Lukyanenko

Pandemonium by Daryl Gregory

The Devil's Alphabet by Daryl Gregory
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Favorite Fictional Character --- Jessica Fletcher

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Agatha Christie Challenge --- The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

Monday, December 28, 2009
Mailbox Monday for 12/28/2009

I bought The Turret by Margery Sharp from The Friends of the Library Book Store in hardcover for $1. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, this is the third book in the series starring Miss Bianca of The Rescuers fame.

I got The Big Four by Agatha Christie in paperback for Christmas.

I also got Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen in paperback for Christmas. I owe Deb at Bookmagic a big thank you for bringing this series to my attention.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas Everyone

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Favorite Fictional Character --- Santa Claus

I love Santa Claus is all his incarnations but the version that Rankin & Bass brings to life in the TV special, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, is hands down my favorite. This was their take on the origins of Santa Claus and attempts to answer questions concerning many aspects of the Santa Claus legend.
The story begins in Sombertown, a depressing village where everything is grey and dark. Santa is introduced as a baby who is left at the door of Burgermeister Meisterburger, the ruler of the town. He quickly sends the foundling baby to the orphanage but a strong storm, and some helpful animals, sends the baby to the other side of the Mountains of the Whispering Winds instead. He is then found by a family of elves named Kringle and they adopt him and name him Kris.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
10 Of My Favorite Christmas Movies

How can you not love "A Charlie Brown Christmas"? It is a Christmas staple and should be mandatory viewing for all during this time of the year. Between the music and the poor little Christmas tree this TV special has held a place in my heart since I first saw it as a kid and continues to do so today.

I am a humongous Barbara Stanwyck fan and "Christmas in Connecticut" is one of her most endearing movies. It's also a romantic comedy gem full of misunderstandings and love set against a beautiful white Christmas.

I had only seen "The Christmas Toy" once as a kid but the story had stayed with me my entire life so when I found it on DVD last year I was so incredibly excited. What child doesn't wish their toys would come to life and play with each other when no humans are around? It's a story of courage, friendship, and learning to share the limelight. Classic Christmas story.

"Frosty The Snowman" has appeared two other times on my blog this year. The song about his life was featured in the 10 Of My Favorite Christmas Songs post and was a featured in a FFC post. Well here he is again as the star of his own TV special. This animated classic about our favorite living snowman has enchanted me for years and never fails to bring a smile to my face.

"Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas!" is pure fun and entertainment the addition of Boris Karloff as the narrator is simply the icing on the cake. If you couldn't tell I'm a huge fan of the cartoon version not the abysmal Jim Carey movie.

Jack Skellington misguided attempt to steal Christmas for his own was the basic storyline to Tim Burton's " The Nightmare Before Christmas". This was and still is a beautifully crafted work of art that captures the imagination. Tim Burton is a genius, which he proved with this movie.

Like Frosty before him this is Rudolph's third mention this month on my blog. He to was part of the 10 Of My Favorite Songs post and starred in his very own FFC post as well. This classic tale of "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" is a endearing today as it was all those years ago. This is the perfect tale of a "misfit" who finds his own way to stand out and become someone.

"Snow" is an adorable ABC Family Channel movie that stars Tom Cavanagh as the new Santa who is tyring to track down his missing reindeer. Along the way he meets the girl of his dreams and makes her Mrs. Santa. I just found out there was a sequel to this so I will be hunting that down as well.

"The Ref" is my "Die Hard", it's the one Christmas movie that some may not consider a Christmas movie but because it takes place during Christmas it counts. Dennis Leary plays Gus, a cat burglar, who takes a family hostage on Christmas Eve. Little did anyone know that this was the catalyst the family needed to bring them close again.

Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera Allen all star in the Christmas spectacular that is "White Christmas". That's all you need to know about this one other than that it is a brilliant musical that never fails to get me in the Christmas mood. Now if only I could get a white Christmas this year.
Alaina Reed-Amini, 1946-2009

Monday, December 21, 2009
Mailbox Monday for 12/21/09

I won the audio version of Hope for Animals and Their World by Jane Goodall with Thane Maynard and Gail Hudson from Beth at Beth's Book Review Blog.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Award Time X 3

Carol from Carol's Notebook passed this on to me and I am so excited by it. I think the award itself is wonderful to look at and it's nice to know that my blog is enjoyed by others. Her blog is fantastic and I encourage everyone to go visit and say hi.
Now the rule for this one is to pass it on to 7 other bloggers and tell everyone 7 things about yourself.
I would like to pass this along to the following blogs:
- Laurel at Creations by Laurel-Rain Snow. She always has a kind word for her fellow bloggers and has a brilliant writing voice.
- Ceri at Not in the Pink. Hilarious blogger who puts me in a better mood just by visiting her blog.
- Michelle at The Christmas Spirit. Michelle was already a brilliant blogger but by starting a blog that is about Christmas all year round, she cemented herself in my pantheon of brilliant bloggers.
- Stephanie at Misfit Salon. If you have not checked this blog out you have to do so right away. Stupendous doesn't even begin to describe this fantastic place to visit.
- Nely at All About {n}. Great blogger who happens to be hosting a great holiday reading challenge that I'm enjoying quite a bit.
- Tasha at Heidenkind's Hideaway. A lovely blogger who brings an interesting perspective that I normally would not think of on my own.
- Jaime at Revenge of the Book Nerds! Jaime has been one of the nicest bloggers I've met since starting my own blog and I appreciate her kindness more than I can say.
Now for 7 things about myself, though trying to say 7 things that I haven't mentioned before may be a little hard.
- From the Summer after my 5th grade till high school we traveled with a carnival so I would go to a different school about every two weeks depending on what town we were in. We did Winter in one location though, either San Marcos, TX or Skiatook, OK.
- Taking custody of my nephew was the best decision I have ever made in my life.
- Becoming an Oceanographer was one of my dream jobs as a kid.
- My guilty pleasure TV show was and is still, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.
- Sweet potato and butterscotch cream pies are my two favorite sweets during the holidays.
- I'm in love with ferns for some reason. I can never have enough of them around the house.
- I want to retire back to MN.
This was another award I received from the wonderful Carol at Carol's Notebook. This award is such a compliment, who doesn't want to be Over the Top?
The rules are pretty simple. Answer the following questions with Single Word answers then pass this along to 5 other bloggers. Make sure you let them know about it though.
- Your Cell Phone? Gone
- Your Hair? Short
- Your Mother? Biker
- Your Father? Passed
- Your Favorite Food? Seafood
- Your Dream Last Night? Odd
- Your Favorite Drink? Tea
- Your Dream/Goal? Published
- What Room Are You In? TV
- Your Hobby? Reading
- Your Fear? Clowns
- Where Do You Want To Be In Six Years? Italy
- Where Were You Last Night? Work
- Something That You Aren't? Bored
- Muffins? Cranberry
- Wish List Item? Massage
- Where Did You Grow Up? Everywhere
- Last Thing You Did? Ate
- What Are You Wearing? Shirt
- Your TV? On
- Your Pets? None
- Friends? Fun
- Your Life? Comfortable
- Your Mood? Tired
- Missing Someone? Yes
- Vehicle? Gallant
- Something You Aren't Wearing? Shoes
- Your Favorite Store? B&N
- Your Favorite Color? Blue
- When Was The Last Time You Laughed? Earlier
- Last Time You Cried? Movie
- Your Best Friend? Frankie
- One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? Work
- Facebook? No
- Favorite Place To Eat? Home
I'm going to pass this on to the following blogs:
- Melissa at My World. One of my favorite bloggers and B&N friend in the world.
- Sheila at One Persons Journey Through a World of Books. Kind hearted blogger who has shown me nothing but kindness.
- Deb at BookMagic. She is the whole reason I started blogging to begin with and is a fantastic example to follow.
- Zia at My Life In Not So Many Words. Great blog and twitter friend who always has something wonderful to say.
- Tracy at The True Book Addict's Sister. A new blogger on the block who has a unique voice that always keeps my interest.
This award I got from two great bloggers and they are both deserving of all the respect and thanks I can give them. Sheila of One Persons Journey Through a World of Books and Melissa of My World both gave this really tough looking award.
Here are the rules for this award. You must name 10 true and honest things about yourself then pass this along to 7 other bloggers.
- Another dream occupation I briefly considered as a kid was working as a chef.
- I was in love with all things dinosaur as a kid and could never get enough of them. Toys, sheets, books, puzzles, models, and the list goes on. You name it, I wanted it.
- I still love cheesy bands from the 80s; Journey, Foreigner, Chicago, and Boston to name just a few.
- The older you get the less patience I have for you. I've been thinking about going back to school to teach and when I first started thinking about it, I wanted to teach HS English. Then I realized the first time that one kid asks me the same question more than twice I would probably be called to the Principal's office. So now I'm thinking about 1st or 2nd grade since I have infinite patience with younger kids.
- I love the sight of a Christmas tree lit up in a dark room. There is something so peaceful about it.
- I want to take a year and visit the Philippines, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Vietnam. Whether it will ever happen or not is another matter.
- I love snow. I could never get enough of it and the sight of a snow covered forest makes me smile like nothing else.
- My favorite bird is the common loon.
- Pepperoni, black olives, and cheese on a thin crust is the best pizza in the world.
- I like to put a little bit of barbecue sauce in my mustard potato salad.
I will be passing this along to the following blogs:
- Bella at A Bibliophile's Bookshelf. Her blog never bores me and I add to my reading list every time I visit.
- Alexia at Alexia's Books and Such. Fantastic blogger who never fails to entertain and has a killer Balderdash talent going on.
- Elena at With Extra Pulp. Concise and articulate writer who gives you her honest review and does it in a way that entertains and informs.
- Jennifer at Rundpinne. Her Christmas decorating talents are awe inspiring enough but she tops herself everyday with every post she does on her terrific blog.
- Carol at Carol's Notebook. The love she has for her family shines threw on her blog and is one of the many reasons I keep going back to read what she has to say on books, games, and Amber's Art work.
- Peter at KyusiReader. Another blogger who never fails to add books to my reading list. His Bookshelf feature never fails to entertain and make me green with envy.
- Nikola at Nikola's Book Blog. Great blogger who has a very eclectic taste in books and has a unique perspective on them.
Goodbye to Brittany Murphy

Friday, December 18, 2009
Typically British Reading Challenge

- "Put the Kettle On" - Read 2 Typically British novels.
- "Gordon Bennett" - Read 4 Typically British novels.
- "Bob's Your Uncle" - Read 6 Typically British novels.
- "Cream Crackered" - Read 8 Typically British novels.
3. Any book format counts.
4. You don't have to select the books ahead of time, you can just add things as you go. Also if you do a list upfront they you can change them, nothing is set in stone!
5. The books you choose can crossover into other challenges.
6. If you decide to participate in this challenge please use the link provided with the button and post on your sidebar, this way others can find there way back to the post and join in the fun. Also post your joining post back to the original post.
7. There will be a place to post your reviews though that will be optional.
8. Only British authors count.
I don't know what "Cream Crackered" means but I'm going for it anyway. I already have about 4 books already set in my head but I have no doubt that I will be able to get 4 more lined up.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Noises Off!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Favorite Fictional Character --- Nestor, The Long Eared Christmas Donkey

I'm choosing one of the lesser know Rankin/Bass characters for my FFC post this week. For those of you who are not familiar with Nestor, he is very pleased to meet you. Nestor is the star of the Rankin/Bass special, Nestor, The Long Eared Christmas Donkey. Like Rudolph before him, Nestor is a misfit who is out of place at home. He lives on a donkey farm during the time of the Roman Empire and he is made fun of for his overly large ears. Now I personally think he's adorable, but I wasn't alive back then to help him out.
One day some horrible soldier come to confiscate some donkeys for the army. The soldiers try to take Nestor and some of the other but soon realize that Nestor is different from the others. The jerks figure the farmer was trying to trick them so the take the donkeys without paying for them and leave Nestor behind. Well the farmer is so mad at poor Nestor that he throws him out into the cold, wild woods. Nestor's mom tracks him down and protects him from the snow storm that rolls in that night. Now this is where the Bambi moment comes into play, and it never fails to make me cry.
Now on his own Nestor is befriended by a young cherub named Tilly. Tilly convinces Nestor to travel to Bethlehem but doesn't tell him why. She will only tell him riddles that allude to great things to come. After months of travel the arrive outside of Bethlehem and Tilly tells Nestor to stay put so he finds himself in a stable where no one is willing to buy him.
Along comes a very special couple who are in need of transportation for the wife and expectant mother. Now since this is a Christmas story I'm sure you can guess that it's Joseph & Mary who need the assist. Mary selects Nestor for his gentle eyes and they are on there way. During the journey a horrible sandstorm overtakes the traveling group and Nestor protects Mary with his over sized ears and guides them safely to Bethlehem. Once there Mary gives birth and Nestor is able to find his way back home where he is welcomed as a hero, THE END.
I am drawn to Nestor in the same way I was to Rudolph. I find myself identifying with misfits and oddballs who don't quite fit in and feel it to their core. Especially the misfits who don't let other's destroy their sense of self just because they are different from the norm. These are the role models I looked up to as a kid and still do today.
Nestor is a strong willed individual who finds strength and triumph through personal tragedy and hardship but never gives up. Nor does he turn to anger for the world to make him feel better. Nestor is the type of person I want my son to be when he grows up; strong, independent, and comfortable enough to be himself no matter what life throws his way.