Grab the book you are currently reading(anything at all)
Open the book to any random page.
Share 2 "teaser" sentences from anywhere on the page.
Please Make Sure They Are Not Spoilers!
(Don't Give Too Much Away) Just enough to pique our interest.
List the book and author so other participants can get their hand on it
if they choose to read it as well.
For This Week: (Sorry 4 sentences this time, I won't do it again)
Francine Parker awoke suddenly. She was shocked motionless; she felt something crawling between her legs. Too late did she realize that she should have moved. The ropes tightened, she was tied to her bed.
From The Hunger by Whitley Strieber
Holy Crap! Yikes!
This reminds me of a scene from Nightmare on Elm Street which I just watched the other night..when she is in the bathtub and Freddy's claws come up from the water in between her legs. Yikes!!!
not to be too trashy but there's only a few things I want down there and it ain't something crawling or Freddy. :)
Great teaser.
Yeah, that's a freaky (in the scary sense) teaser! Michelle's comment had me laughing, too.
Here's mine if you want to take a peek.
WOW. Seriously freaky! Great teaser!
Mine's here.
Great peek into what sounds like a creepy tale! My teaser is at http://laurel-rain-snow.blogspot.com/
Hmmm, curious. I don't think it took my comment, I'll check back in a bit to make sure I don't have two here, but just in case...
A great teaser; I really want to go find out more about this book now!
OMG, it makes you think of like creepy crawly things at first. LOL! Er... who's in her bed, I wonder? Great tease!
Mine is up as well :)
Oh my gosh! Officially teased. My teaser: http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/10/casting-off-teaser-tuesdays.html
I love it. Provocative then boom - tied to the bed!!! I have read Strieber's The Wolfen and Communion and enjoyed them. I am interested to see what you think of this one.
Yikes! How did that happen without her knowing it? REALLY creepy.
Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi
Gah! What is happening to her? I need to check into this book.
Okay, I am definitely checking under the sheets and under the bed before I go to bed tonight. *shiver* yyyeeee. Creepy.
Now that didn't seem like four lines. I have had to add a line or two to my teaser at times just to try and help get the teaser across a little better. I think you will be okay this time and... I guess if you need to in the future as well we will let you slide. lol. Great teaser Ryan!
I enjoy this author. Perfectly appropriate teaser!
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