Here Is The Product Description From Amazon.Com:
“Pure porn!” the critics cry. “Throw it on the fire!” Murder in the Magick Club is an occult-themed murder mystery; perfect for your next banned-book bonfire. Murder in the Magick Club takes place in the exotic, faraway land of Tampa, Florida and offers an insider’s exposé of the “Salem of the South” . . . written straight from the spleen. Murder in the Magick Club is the first in a series wherein the victim needs killin’ and the murderer always gets away with it . . . maybe. All of the characters—moochy customers, cops, self-absorbed and wastrel staff, and the impotent, financially long suffering owner of the Magick Club—are always ready with an easy bit of slander and perhaps an easy bit of murder. Murder in the Magick Club is a ripping good read to grab on the way to the beach, or to help set just-the-right-tone before the reader jumps off the Skyway Bridge. Perfect to curl up with a steaming hot cup of mugwort tea, a bottle or two of Merlot, the beer bong &/or the hashish-stoked hookah.
I knew the day would come that I would end up reading/reviewing a book that I wouldn't like. What I didn't realize was that I wouldn't even be able to finish it to give it a proper review. I have struggled with doing the review because I feel so bad about the fact I couldn't get past page 39. I never want to say anything negative about a book because I know how much time and effort an author puts into writing and finally getting a book published.
The problem for me was that I really don't have anything nice to say about this book. I found the main character, the owner of the club, to be overly negative and sarcastic. He takes up about 15 pages ranting about his two waiters, tearing them apart and making them sound like the worst two people in the city of Tampa. There was nothing redeeming or likable about these characters. My last review proved that you can like a book and not the characters, which is rare. This book showed why liking a character, even one of them, is so important to liking a book.
The tone was just too snarky, sarcastic, and mean spirited for me to enjoy the obvious strong voice the author has. Lorrier has talent. He has a great sense of dialogue and has a wonderful way with words. I just wish I had been able to appreciate it and get over the negative aspects of the book.
I hate it when you can't finish a book! It drives me nuts that I've wasted the time! But! As luck would have it we've got an award for you here!
Hey, sometimes this happens. In the past I've always finished every book I started but I vowed I wouldn't do this anymore, so I am completely supportive of your decision to give it up! Good for you!
I have this book on my shelf but many in front of it. There is just no point in forcing yourself to finish a book you don't like, there are too many great books waiting. I'm glad you still did the review.
Good post Ryan... I know what you are talking about.... it is hard when you dont like the book... I struggle with that too. You did a wonderful job of stating the facts and I think that is important too in our roles as reviewers.
Jake, Thanks for the awarda and the knowledge I'm not the only one who gets frustrated over not being able to finish a book.
Alyssa, I used to finish book and movies when I really didn't want to but I can't do it anymore. There is too much good material out there. Thanks for the support! It's appreciated.
Deb, Thank you for understanding. I hope you like the book more than I did.
Sheila, Thank you for the kind words. I'm starting not to feel so bad about it know.
Having read the summary, I was all set to add this to my wishlist immediately, but once I read what you had to say about it, it put something of a damper on the situation. This sounds like exactly my kind of thing (what does that say about me, eh?) but you clearly have strong feelings about this particular book. Perhaps I'll have to look for other reviews to see if it's everyone or just you.
Oh, man, I'm so sorry you didn't enjoy this one. I hate when you can't even finish a book! But Debs right there are way too many good books out there....
booktrash, You may like it. Most of the reviews I saw before I read it were positive.
Krista, I bought four new ones today so I'm ready to move on!
Very nicely done review. It's always difficult when you truly can't finish a book to review it.
Beth, Thank you so much. It was one of the hardest ones I've done yet. Hopefully I won't have to do one again.
Well Ryan, I am so sorry you didn't like the book. I do have to say I have been rather fortunate with my books lately. I hate when I get one like this. It's just terrable! Well, you have many, many other books to move on to. There are many better ones out there, I am sure!
There are very few books that I can't finish. At least you only read 39 pages before deciding. I hate when you've read like 100 and it still sucks but by then you've made an investment.
Melissa, I have a whole stack of them waiting for me now!
Carol, One of my resolutions this year was to put books down quicker if I can't stand them. So far I'm sticking to it!
Great review. Bummer that this one didn't work out for you. I think you wrote a good "negative" review though. I have this in my TBR pile... might be awhile til I pick it up though!
No sense in wasting hours of your life you can not get back on a book you can't stand! That's what I say!
Jaime, Thank you so much for the comments. I was a little worried about being too negative about the book but you made me feel better about it.
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