Finally a YA book that burned the images of Bella and Edward out of my mind. Hush, Hush was what I wanted Twilight to be and never was. I couldn't get halfway through Twilight but I read Hush, Hush from cover to cover in record time.
There are going to be obvious comparisons between the two books. Girl meets mysterious boy in science class, girl and boy can't help but be attracted to each other, girl discovers boy's secret and is put in danger, and then finally girl and boy accept the inevitable and hookup in a strained platonic way (though the innuendos are flying).
That is were the similarities end. Thankfully Nora is not Bella. She is strong, loud, and doesn't mope around town because she is chronically depressed. Patch is darker and edgier than Edward and seems to be a lot more dangerous. There are no vampires but instead Nephilim and Fallen Angels. Which quite honestly was refreshing. I'm a big vampire fan but there seems to be a over saturation in the marketplace right now, so something a little different was refreshing.
I haven't read a lot of YA in the past but if books like this keep coming out I may be a new convert to the cause.
Synopsis From Back Cover:
Nora Grey is responsible and smart and not inclined to be reckless. Her first mistake was falling for Patch. Patch has a past that could be called anything but harmless. The best thing he ever did was fall for Nora.
After getting paired with Patch in biology, all Nora wants to do is stay away from him, but he always seems to be two steps ahead of her. She can feel his eyes on her even when he is nowhere around. She feels him nearby even when she is alone in her bedroom. And when her attraction can be denied no longer, she learns the secret about who Patch is and what led him to her. Despite all the questions she has about his past, in the end, there may be only one question they can ask each other: How far are you willing to fall?
I just read this book last week as well and loved it. I'm a big fan of the YA genre and there is plenty out there like Hush, Hush. Hae you had a chance to read The Hunger Games? It's fabulous!
I stayed up late last night to finish it. i loved it! Great review. i will probably post mine next week
Wow... your opening sentence caught my attention. Them's fighting words... LOL
Kidding, actually it makes me want to read this book all the more as I think it must be quite the read!
I can't wait to read this book! Everyone has it but ME! LOL! Great review!
I'm SO excited to read this book. Except I'm in the same boat as Krista...everyone else has it already! I guess I'll just have to wait until release day...
And I'm going to echo Sheila...those first words really snagged my attention! I was like, "thank GOODNESS." Haha! Will be looking forward to this read, that's for sure.
I got my hands on a copy and whipped thru it. I think there will be more to come from these characters. I loved it.
Michelle, thanks for commenting. I really liked this book. I was a little hesitant at first but I'm glad I got over it. I haven't read Hunger Games yet but a few others keep trying to get me too.
Deb, I can't wait to read your review.
Sheila, LOL..it was a strong first sentence but thankfully I ment every word.
Krista, get it the day it comes out. You will love it.
Celia, Thank Goodness for me to. I'm sorry to those who like Twilight but this book is soooooo much better. I think you will really like it.
Jackie, I can't wait for the sequel Crescendo to come out (Thank you Michelle for telling me the name)
Ryan, glad you enjoyed the book and thanks for taking the time to write such an awesome review! I second Michelle - you have to read The Hunger Games. You'll read it in under two days, I swear :)
I'd also recommend The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan and The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey.
Becca, Thank you so much for coming by and reading the review. I'm honored beyond words. The book was fantastic and I can't wait for more of these characters.
I pray you have major success with this and future titles.
Okay, I almost hate to admit this being I am probably the only person around but here it goes... I have never read the Twilight series.
Okay, everyone I know has read this series and drooled over it. So, all the hipe and I couldn't bring myself to read it. I figured in a few years when everyone else has forgotten about it I would maybe pick it up.
But this review just had me add Hush, Hush to my list. I love books on Nephilim and fallen angels. I think they could be the next fade to come around. I have not come across many books with them in (though there could be many, but I just havn't seen them yet) but they could become very popular.
Very cool and great review!
Melissa, You will love this book. That is a promise. I also promise you that you are not missing anything by never reading Twilight.
I have not gotten around to Hush, Hush, but I agree with the fact that there are so many other ideas and character types (other than vampires) that are just waiting to be explored. I've always been intrigued by the idea of angels and fallen angels (the movie Prophecy with Chrisopher Walken comes to mind). Anne Rice explored the idea with suggestions that vampires were actually fallen angels; Memnoch, the Devil, was a good read...
Logan, thank you so much for stopping by commenting. Prophecy was a good movie but I could not get into Memnock the Devil for some reason nor Tale of a Body Thief now that I think about it.
I am LOVING this line: "Finally a YA book that burned the images of Bella and Edward out of my mind." *LOL!* Great review.
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