I was super excited when I got my Book Blogger swap package today. I started jumping up and down with joy. Then I opened it and I jumped even higher. I want to thank Nicole of Linus's Blanket for my wonderful package. My digital camera is still broken, so I had to resort to images of some of the presents I got. I wish I could give you a wonderful picture of them all together but I can't so after I'm done with this post I'm going to pout in a corner.

First of all was The Ruins of Ambrai by Melanie Rawn. It's the first book in an as yet still unfinished trilogy but it's brilliant all on it's own. I'm so glad I have a copy again.

I also got a wonderful book of postcards that features Hollywood fan magazine covers from the 1940s. I was able to find a picture of one of the postcards in the book and I thought I would post that here. It's a picture of Myrna Loy as Nora Charles and Asta from the Thin Man movie series.

I also got some wonderful wild flower stickers and some index tabs for when I'm reading and need to mark places for future reference.
Fantastic gifts!!! :)
and here's a virtual gift to add to your pile...
you've been awarded
What great gifts!
Fabulous!! What a nice post-Christmas surprise.
I am so glad that you got the package and I hope you enjoy everything. They promised at the post office that you would get it a few days before Christmas so I was starting to worry! I am so glad that it arrived safely if a little late. LOL. Happy New Year!
Some great prezzies there, Ry! I love the Hollywood mag covers from the 40s. Awesome. :D
Very cool!
Those are awesome gifts Ryan!! Enjoy!
Awesome gifts!! It sounds like Nicole did a great job and sent very thoughtful gifts. Enjoy them all!
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