Monday, June 4, 2012

Armchair BEA Introductions

Now this is going to sound so random and so last minute, but I didn't decide to participate in Armchair BEA this year until a few hours ago.  I got signed up and registered, then forgot I signed up.  Needless to say, I'm not the most attentive person lately.  So when I saw the first blogger I follow post their introduction, Colette at A Buckeye Girl Reads, I figured I better get on the ball.  I'm really looking forward to the going ons this year.  So with no further ado, here are the questions they wanted us to answer (well at least five of them.)

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

I always feel like it's the first day of school when I start to answer a question like this.  I really feel as if we should all be wearing name tag right about now.  My name is Ryan.  I'm a 35 year old retail manager, single father, Eeyore admirer, tea drinker, Scrabble player, and I'm  a Leo.  I started the blog back in July of 2009 because I was inspired by a good friend from the Barnes & Noble book club site.  So I have Deb of Book Magic to thank for the last few years.  It's been an amazing adventure, one I hope continues for a long time to come.

What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?

Right now I'm reading An American Family by Peter Lefcourt, but my favorite book of the year has to be Gillespie and I by Jane Harris.  I don't think I'll ever be able to not recommend it to everyone and their French poodle.

What is your favorite feature on your blog (i.e. author interviews, memes, something specific to your blog)?

Gee, I get to brag about myself a bit.  Not sure that's a good thing, but here it goes.  I love the fact that I feature one of my Favorite Fictional Characters every Wednesday.  Over the years I have featured some character that everyone knows; Nancy Drew, Yogi Bear, Samantha Stevens, Eeyore, Buffy Summers, and the list could go one.  But what I really enjoy doing is featuring characters that not everyone is so familiar with.  I have been able to talk about Vanyel Ashkevron, who is the hero of The Last Herald Mage trilogy by Mercedes Lackey.  He was one of those characters that allowed me to deal with personal issues as a young adult.  I have able to highlight my favorite characters form books, movies, cartoons, comic books, TV shows, and even a poem.  It's something that I love to do and I'm pretty positive I'll never run out of characters to praise and heap adoration on.

Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read?

It Gets Better...It Gets So Much Better would have to be the post that meant that most to me and the one I put a lot of myself into.  I posted it back in October of 2010 when it seemed as if there was an epidemic of gay teen suicide in this country.  I heard about the It Gets Better Project and I felt as if I want to partake in it, even it it was just through a blog post.  It's one of those issues, that as a gay man, I feel partially responsible for.  I have guilt over the idea that our community has not done enough to help these kids understand that life is waiting for them and that as bad as it is now, they have to much to live for.

Where do you see your blog in five years?

Hopefully right where it is, still going strong.  Wow, I just realized that would mean I will have been doing this for 8 years.  Not something I even had in the back of my brain when I put out my first post.  It's been an amazing experience and while I know it could end at any time, that life can get in the way, I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.


Anonymous said...

I like the idea of featuring a fictional character, and will have to check out more of those posts, they sound really cool.

The Girl from the Ghetto said...

You would be surprised by how fast 5 years goes by--I've got another 6 months until I hit that blog anniversary!

Rhonda's Doings said...

I also like your idea to feature a fictional character once a week on your blog. I might have to give that idea some thought. thanks for planting the seed!

Laura said...

Favourite Fictional Characters sounds like an excellent feature, and I"m definitely going to have to check out the Buffy Summers post. And actually Eeyore too... Hmm, this is going to be fun!

Anonymous said...

Fave characters is a great idea and I'm sure it is incredibly fun to come up with a new one each week.

Here's hoping both our blogs are still around five years from now! :)

Anonymous said...

I love your "It Gets Better" post, too. I'm so glad that you took the time to write it and share your personal experiences with your readers.

Karin Perry said...

I love the Fictional Character post. How creative! I'm glad you are participating in Armchair BEA. Enjoy the week.

Brie said...

*Adds Gillespie and I to TBR pile* I’ve been silently stalking your blog for a while now, ever since you did that guest post at Smexy Books. I’m always looking for book blogs that steer away a bit from Romance. I really enjoy your blog and I’m a fan of the Fictional Character section. It’s great that you’re part of Armchair BEA so I finally have the opportunity to stop lurking and comment!

Debbie said...


I love the idea of your Fictional Character post! I'm going to follow to start reading it. I hope you have a great Armchair BEA! I'm also a bit scatter-brained, you're in good company! :)

My BEA Intro

Julie@My5monkeys said...

Wow I do agree with everyone else about that fictional character meeting. Also great post.

Preet said...

Now I don't feel as bad for registering at like, 9 p.m last night. The fact that you've been blogging for three years already is pretty crazy and awesome! Great meeting you!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I don't even think I registered! I did sign up with this first post.

Sometimes I don't notice the "road signs" along the way!

Love your favorite fictional characters and found your favorite post awesome.

I can't imagine life without blogging, but I'm sure, like everything, that could change.


The Housework Can Wait said...

8 years - I'm so impressed! I hope I'm still going strong 8, 5, or even just 1 year from now!

And your character interviews sound amazing! I'll definitely need to check them out!

Pleased to meet you, and thanks for stopping by my Armchair BEA Intro Post.

Kate said...

I really enjoy the idea of your fictional characters posts. I'm a person who reads firstly for the characters and the plot and everything else is secondary. Showcasing the characters like you have is a brilliant thing.

Your It Gets Better post was both one that I thought was both sad and beautiful at the same time. It made me think.

test said...

I think I'd love to join the Favorite Fictional Character feature :D sounds really fun! Gillespie and I sounds interesting. I'll definitely check it out :)

My Introduction post here

We Fancy Books

smiling_ina said...

I love your idea of showcasing a new fictional character every week. There are so many great characters out there - quite a few times I actually like a minor character more than the main one. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and have a great ArmchairBEA week!

Unknown said...

I am really impressed than you manage to do everything, be a single father, and still maintain a blog. Awesome.
I love your Wednesday, feature a favorite fictional character. Great idea. Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great week.

Shelleyrae @ Book'd out said...

I almost forgot as well! Love Scrabble - am completely addicted to Words With Friends - where at least someone will always play with me :)

Have a great Armchair BEA
Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

elena said...

ooh your Favourite Fictional Characters sounds lovely! I think it's admirable you're a single father and still able to maintain your blog. Kudos to you! :)

heather said...

Your It Gets Better post was great.

loreleimarsh said...

Your "It Gets Better" post was beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you joined ABEA & visited me! Tattooed Books

Laura @ I'm Booking It said...

I was writing my Armchair BEA Intro post at 1:00am, because I knew if I didn't do it then, it wouldn't get done... Let's hear it for last minute posts!

I hope your blog is indeed still going strong in 5 years.

Amanda @Stuck In YA Books said...

5 years go by soo fast that you will still be a blogger!! Have an awesome time with Armchair BEA!

Anonymous said...

Well for such a late post, it's very good!

It's great that you try and help younger guys to feel better about themselves. I take it it's not the main topic of your blog, but it's good to mention it every now and then.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

I didn't get my Intro post up until this morning either. Not because I forgot but because I was procrastinating.

I hadn't heard of Gillespie and I but I'm always looking for passionate recommendations.

Favorite Fictional Characters sounds fun. I'll be sure to check back on Wednesday. :)

Lydia said...

I love your Favorite Fictional Characters feature too! (Working on mine right now! =)

Pop Culture Nerd said...

I love Buffy and Eeyore! And Encyclopedia Brown, and Indiana Jones, and Wonder Woman...lots of great characters there.

Your It Gets Better post is amazing. Thanks for opening up your heart to the world, and encouraging others to reach out to you.

Oregon Kimm said...

Ryan, I'm pretty sure that you were my first blog friend back in 2009. Always fun to read your posts. We may read different material at times, but think alike when it comes to what we think is good and not so food. You are always a joy to follow. :-)

The Literary Darling said...


I also agree with everyone else about the fictional character posts! Lovely idea :)

Thanks for stopping by and great to meet you :)

Audra said...

Thank you so much for sharing your It Gets Better post -- gah, I'm teary already. We've been doing a great deal of TGB work at my work (my day job) and it's an issue that is v close to my heart. I appreciate your connecting it with your blog.

Unknown said...

It's so great to meet you!!
Hope you have a great Armchair BEA week!
Here's my post:

xo Stephanie

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suey said...

I love character highlight posts and will have to take note to come visit yours! I do one now and then as part of feature at The Introverted Reader, but I always stress about these posts because I'm so anxious to "get it right." I'm trying to get over that and just gush about them as much as I want!

Happy ABEA!

Jana said...

Hi Ryan! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! It's nice to meet you. :)

Did you know I've never EVER played Scrabble in my life? I feel like I'm missing out.

I need to go find some of your fictional character posts! That's such a fun idea! Have a lovely week!

- Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

Blodeuedd said...

I always did want to play scrabble

Blodeuedd said...

I always did want to play scrabble

Man of la Book said...

I followed your inspiration and joined up as well. Keep up the good work Ryan.

Hannah Lorraine said...

Hi Ryan! It's always great to meet a fellow Minnesotan! I'm not quite as far North as you, but still pretty far =)

Anonymous said...

Looks like I found another great blog to follow! It is great to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have a fondness for Eeyore as well because my Basset Hound Wally reminds me of him! Have a great week!

Natalie said...

Nancy Drew and Buffy Summers? I love them both! I literally read every Nancy Drew book that my library had in a matter of weeks. And Buffy? Well...she's Buffy. :)

Looks-Mostly-Harmless said...

Hi There!

Your Favorite Character idea is great idea! :)

Anonymous said...

haha, as someone who doesn't like to brag about herself, I SO get your question about favorite feature on the blog! I was like, WHAT? I have to pick five questions and talk about myself? NO THANK YOU.

nice to meet you, Ryan! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of a fictional character post! I am new to book blogging so I may try that if you don"t mind!

Bellezza said...

I think you are very clever to host a favorite fictional character meme, I'll have to come back and visit those! You are awesome at commenting, Ryan, something at which I've become a total slacker (much to my shame). As I visit blogs today, both new and old favorites, I'm realizing how much I cherish the community. That aspect is at least as valuable as the book discussions/reviews. By the way, thanks for the heads up on Gillepsi and Me; it sounds like the book for my parents who've owned nothing but poodles for the last fifty years.

Jae said...

I recently came across your blog and just started following. It's nice to learn more about you and I'm looking forward to future posts!

Simcha said...

I've also been out of the loop lately and had completely forgotten about BEA. I wonder if I can still sign up. I haven't done anything like this in a while and I always enjoy talking about myself ;) Though I really can't imagine still blogging in 5 years. In the digital world that's like a whole century away.

Kristin said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog! I love the idea of your favorite fictional characters, I am a huge Buffy fan!

Amy @ bookgoonie said...

Bravo for putting together a It Gets Better post. We've had a few bullying suicides (1is too many). We allcan do a better job reaching kids & trying to undo the crap others have put in their heads.

Thanks for stopping by.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Great getting to "know" you a bit better. I've been enjoying your fictional characters posts the most. So fun. Here's to 8 years very soon! *holds up glass*

Stacy at The Novel Life said...

Hi Ryan! So happy to make the acquaintance of a fellow Eeyore lover! Your Fictional Favorites sounds like a fantastic feature and I will definitely be reading - many of the characters we come to know and love seem as close as best friends by the end of a book - love that you highlight it!

srivalli said...

Your fictional characters series sounds like a great feature. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anna M said...

I love the idea of regularly featuring favorite fictional characters, especially from books like Mercedes Lackey's. Looking down your list of authors, I see some of my favorite authors as well! Pleased to meet you.

Staci said...

Even though I knew those things about you already, I wanted to stop by and say Hi! Waving to you!

Jenna said...

I like your Wednesday Fictional Character- what a great idea.. totally going to stalk those posts :)

Amanda said...

Your feature idea is so fun! It'd be a great way to introduce unknown characters, but also to bring favorites to the light too.

I just read your It Gets Better post - I love it too! Such a wonderful post for something that deserves so much attention.

Unknown said...

We may be twins separated at birth, even though I'm mumble-mumble years older than you.

I love Eeyore, too, and am a Leo (Aug 9th), and you already know how I feel about tea!

I'm subscribing to your blog.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Samantha said...

I hope my blog is still going strong 5 years from now! :-)

Your It Gets Better post is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story. I come from a very conservative town, and while I am straight myself, I have several gay friends who were too afraid to come out until they left for post-secondary education. No one should have to hide their sexuality from friends and family like that.

Bex said...

I hope you'll end up as you want to! I think the 5 year question is so hard to answer, but then again, I've never been a big planner! :)

Nice to meet you! Thanks for stoppingby.

Michael @ Literary Exploration said...

As another male book blogger, I'll be following your blog from now on. Happy Armchair BEA

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet a male blogger! They seem to be a bit of a minority and I always enjoy finding new ones for a different aspect! I like the idea of your Favourite Fictional Character posts. They sound fun.

Wendy said...

Wow, look at all those comments! Thanks for stopping by my blog was fun to read your post (I'm also a Leo and a Scrabble player!). I'm looking forward to checking out your blog (and Jane Harris's book is on my wish list!).

Nise' said...

Hi from a fellow Eeyore and tea lover! Congrats on 8 years of blogging.

Ashley @ Ashley Loves Books said...

That's such a fun feature! I'll have to check it out now, I love getting introduced to new characters and be reminded of beloved ones. Also, that post you've highlighted as your favourite made me cry. I love what you've highlighted hw you were so open and personal about it, and all of it. So much bravery in a post :)

Happy Armchair BEA and lovely to meet you!

Christina2227 @ The Book Hookup said...

I love that you feature fictional characters, what an interesting idea. I wish you continued success and happy blogging.

It was a pleasure "meeting" you and thanks for stopping by the site and commenting. I hope you have a wonderful BEA week.

~Christina (and the other Book Hookup Litbrarians)
The Book Hookup's BEA Intro

Bookfool said...

I remember the It Gets Better post. It is definitely an awesome piece of writing.

Also, you just made me add to my wish list. Like I needed that. LOL Hope you are around for at least 10 years, Ryan.

Happy Armchair BEA!

Rachel said...

Hi Ryan! I love how you feature characters!

Joy said...

Love your fictional character posts! Such a great idea. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm enjoying my first Armchair BEA.

Joy @ Book Lagniappe

Livia @ Butterfly-o-Meter Books said...

Seriously, Ryan! You left me no link to your awesome blog in the comment, good thing I'm such an efficient stalker! Woops, that didn't come out quite right, did it? :D Ahem, let us move on.

I totally decided to do the Armchair BEA at the last minute, so we keep good company :D

Single parents are superheroes. Well, all parents seem heroes to me, lol, but single parents are def. superheroes, I just had to tell you that. :)

Now, this may sound sort of sucky of me to say, but of all the Intro posts I've read so far, I feel that the post you're most proud of is the one I'm most proud of reading. There can never ever be enough support and positive vibe for these kids, so every word counts, let alone such beautiful posts as yours.

I'm truly happy to have met you through the Armchair BEA, and I look forward to stalking, errrrm, following your blog :D

All my best!

Aarti said...

I was a last-minute add-in for Armchair BEA, too- mostly because everyone else seemed to be doing it ;-)

I really appreciate your linking to the It Gets Better post. It really is important, and I am sure it takes a lot of guts to write and post that. So I hope you know it's fully appreciated.

Teresa said...

I love the fictional character feature. What a great idea. I was really hesitant about audio books for a long time and am now a huge fan. You never know. I hope you decide to give one a try. Thanks for stopping by my Blog.

Devan @ Book Strings said...

Shadow and Bone really is fantastic and is a must read for 2012. Your meme sounds like a ton of fun. Eeyore was one of my favorite childhood characters.

Lindsey @ The Book Matters said...

Hi, Ryan! Thank you for visiting my little infant blog earlier. I LOVE your "Favorite Fictional Character" feature; what I great idea!

Hope you have a great ABEA!

Heidenkind said...

You like Eeyore? I never would have guessed... ;)

I love the FFC posts. Can't wait for my guest post!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Wow! You've received a lot of comments. Much deserved! You were the reason I started my blog, of course, and you remain one of my best friends and your blog is one of my favorites too. Speaking of Deb, I miss her. I talked to her via email awhile back and she says she's going to come back. I really hope she does.

Favorite Fictional Character is SO great. You are so good at coming up with characters. And your It Gets Better Post was absolutely wonderful.

Have fun with A.BEA, my friend!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

It's amazing how the years have past since many of us have been blogging. I'll be 4 years this month and never imagined I'd enjoy it so much.

Great job Ryan

stacybuckeye said...

I don't think any of us imagined hoe long we'd be blogging when we wrote our first post. I look back at mine every year and laugh at the simplicity of it.
Loved your It gets better post. So many kids need to read it (and adults). My cousin's son came out last year and there was no malice in her reaction, but she didn't know how to handle. It was dicey for awhile, but they've come through just fine.

Megan said...

I love the idea of a Favorite Fictional Character. Who doesn't love Buffy Summers? Thanks for stopping by my blog. I like your blog, so I'm following you and can't wait to read more posts from you.

Unknown said...

Hi Ryan! I'm a fellow scrabble lover, tea drinker, AND Leo. Maybe Leos just love hot beverages and words? Who knows? haha! Favorite Fictional Characters sounds like a great idea, especially since sometimes you can not like a book, but like some of the characters.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! I'm off to explore yours now :)

Chrystal said...

Eeyore, scrabble and Mercedes Lackey... those are all pretty amazing things! :)

Nice to meet you!

April @ My Shelf Confessions said...

So great to meet you! I feel so behind on mingling around for ABEA, it's great that so many people are participating! This is my second year and it snuck up on me too. Last year I heard about it last minute and felt like I didn't get to do all I wanted to so I was intent on getting off the ground and all signed up and ready to go early - didn't happen LOL

I love the idea of your favorite character feature, I'll have to check that out! I can definitely relate to never running out of characters to adore, there's just so many great ones out there.

I hope you're still blogging in 5 years time, I've only been blogging for a year (well book blogging) and I hope I don't stop either, it's just too much fun!

Great getting to meet you, I'll add you to my RSS feed :)

April @ My Shelf Confessions