Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mailbox Monday for 4/25/11

Mailbox Monday is a weekly meme created by Marcia at A Girl And Her Books and is being hosted all this month by Amy at Passages to the Past.

I received a trade paperback of Don't Breathe A Word by Jennifer McMahon and a hardcover of On China by Henry Kissinger.  Both of them are for upcoming TLC Book Tours.


Zia said...

Don't Breathe A Word sounds like an interesting read. Happy reading this week!

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

I got Don't Breathe A word too!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Don't Breathe a Word looks a little bit eerie, doesn't it? I'm sure it's going to be very good!

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Carrie K. said...

I really want to read Don't Breathe a Word - and I find that to be one of the most unsettling covers ever!

Jules said...

A great selection! I think Don't breathe a word is going to be one I add to my wish list!

Happy reading,

Majanka said...

I have Don't Breathe A Word as well, and can't wait to read it! Enjoy reading!

Take a look at what's in my Mailbox.

Mystica said...

I like the cover of Dont Breathe a Word!

Harvee44 said...

The Kissinger book on China sounds fascinating. Enjoy your reads.

Book Dilettante

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Jealous of Don't Breathe a Word. McMahon writes a good thriller.

bermudaonion said...

Hm, On China sounds fascinating. I'll be interested to see how readable you find it. I have a feeling you're going to love Don't Breathe a Word.

Anna said...

Don't Breathe a Word looks good. Happy reading!

Unknown said...

I love your Charlie Brown peeking into the mailbox pic!

Anonymous said...

Two very interesting reads,enjoy!

Come by and see mine and my giveaways.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading DON'T BREATHE A WORD right now. So far, so very good!

Beth(bookaholicmom) said...

I received Don't Breathe A Word also. It looks pretty interesting although I find that girls eyes very haunting.

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Someone on twitter commented on how good Don't Breathe a Word is. Hope you enjoy it as much!

Staci said...

Don't Breathe a Word has me wanting to read it!!! Enjoy!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Dont Breathe A Word looks so good! I have that one too and can not wait to get to it :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your books. I got Don't Breathe A Word, too.

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Hey Ryan! Hope you are doing well. And the nice weather is treating you well. :) Haven't chatted much with you these days. And miss seeing you around. Well, hope you had a great Easter and have a great week this week. :) Take care!