Saturday, July 23, 2016

Wodsmithonia is 7 Years Old!

I can't believe it, but Wordsmithonia is six days over it's 7th blogoversary.  This time last year, I wasn't sure this milestone would be reached.  My personal, and professional life, had been in upheaval for far too long, and I had already been absent from the blogging world for a few months. More than once, I found myself making the decision to close the blog down for good, but I could never pull the trigger.  The entire time I was gone, I missed the voice I had found through the blog, and I had more than missed the interaction with all of you.  When I finally caved into the inevitable earlier this year, and started to make my first forays back into the fold, you guys welcome me back with open arms, and I can never express how grateful I was for it. Whether you know it or not, you have seen me through some of the worst moments in my life, and helped me celebrate some of the most joyous. I love you guys.  You are the reason I keep doing this, you are the reason I have felt at home from the moment my first post went live on 07/18/2009.  I look forward to another seven years with you guys.


Heidenkind said...

We missed you too, Ryan! Happy bloggiversary with more to come :)

bermudaonion said...

We're so glad you're still around. Congratulations on 7 great years!

TracyK said...

That is great, Ryan. I enjoy your blog and I hope you continue another 7 years.

Katherine P said...

Congratulations on 7 years! I'm very glad you didn't leave us for good. You're the only other person I know who enjoys Patricia Wentworth books!

Debbie Rodgers said...

Happy blog-iversary, Ryan. I'm so glad you decided to stay at it!

Harvee44 said...

Congrats! MANY MORE!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Congrats on the milestone, my friend! So glad you didn't give up the ghost. I think for some of us, blogging just fits. I've looked to the future and I really don't foresee myself giving it up either.

We need to make a goal that a bunch of us who started blogging around the same time (my seven years is coming up Aug. 5) need to meet up in person. I would so love to meet you, and many others, in real life.

Hugs to you and cheers to many more years!

Lisa said...

Happy anniversary! I missed my 7 year mark entirely (who are we kidding? after the first one, I've missed all of them!). Don't you sometimes feel like you can talk more frankly with the people you've met through blogging than the friends you see every day? I love this community, too - it would be hard to ever give it up.

Nise' said...

Happy blogoversary!

Unknown said...

congratulations, and to many more! Celebrating my 6th in September