I'm going to say right up front, that this last week I went a little crazy on the books and DVDs. I know have too many books on my TBR pile and more movies/television shows on DVD to watch than I have time to get to. Because of that, I am going on a two month buying freeze, the only books I will buy will be dollar books from The Dollar Tree or The Friends of the Library Book Store. All other purchases, books or movies, will be froze until 5/1/2010.
I was at fye the other day and I found all 3 seasons of Wonder Woman on DVD for $9.99 each. I had to get them and I can't wait to get started on them.
From a trip to Target, I picked up the new 2 disc edition of Snow White and when I saw Poltergeist for $5 I had to get that as well. For those of you who didn't know, Zelda Rubinstein who played Tangina, passed a way a week or so ago. I loved her in Teen Witch as well and when I find that one, I will have to pick it up.
The same night I was at Target, I had to run over to Wal-Mart and naturally I check out the bargain DVDs every time I'm there and when I found this, a 2 disc edition of Mannequin and Mannequin 2: On The Move for only $5 I let out a little squeal, which nobody else heard, and it went into the cart.
For those of you doubting that I actually got ahold of some books this last week, here is the first batch. I walked into Barnes & Noble to pick up The Seven Dials Mystery by Agatha Chrsitie which is the next book in my Agatha Christie self challenge and I ended up picking up 3 bargain books in the process; a trade paperback of Light Before Day by Christopher Rice and hardcovers of Blind Fall by Christopher Rice and The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.

A trip to the flea market, this afternoon actually, landed me these three books. I found a beaten up paperback of The Sentinel by Jeffrey Konvitz, and when I say beaten up it really is. See that scary looking guy in the middle of the white circle? I'm missing that title page that has that on it, so when I look into the circle I see yellowing paper with words on it. I've never read the book, and can never find it so when I saw it for $1 I had to even if I only read it once. I also picked up Clan Novel: Tremere by Eric Griffin for $2 (GOOD shape) which is the 12 book in a series of 13, and a series I'm trying to find all the books for. Then I found a hardcover of Leap of Faith by Queen Noor is top notch condition for $3 and since I admire her quite a bit I had to get that one as well.

Earlier in the week I stopped in a used book store and found two more of those Clan Novel books and since I still had credit there I was able to get them both for $3. Clan Novel: Malkavian by Stewart Wieck is the 9th book in the series and Clan Novel: Nosferatu by Gherbod Fleming is the 13th book in the series.
I got a ARC of Watermark by Vanitha Sankarah for a TLC Blog Tour and just skimming through it, I'm really looking forward to it.
Last week Best Buy had a great sale and I picked up season 1 of Fringe and season 4 of Supernatural for $9.99 each.
And last but not least, I picked up The Graving Dock by Gabriel Cohen from The Dollar Tree. Since I'm on a mystery kick right now, I thought this one would be a good addition.