This was a rather hard post for me to do. I wanted to post about the character who got me interested in mysterious the most. Which meant I would have to think of the character that hooked me not the character I read first. Originally I thought I would do this on Encyclopedia Brown since I think his books were the first mysteries I read. Then I considered the Hardy Boys, whose adventures I thoroughly enjoyed. I finally had to decide on Nancy Drew though for two reasons.
The first is that I probably read more of her books then the other two combined. The second was I enjoyed them more, I had more fun reading them then the others and found myself on the edge of my seat every time she was put in danger.
The star of more books than I can count and a few stage adaptations, Nancy Drew is one of those cultural icons that will never fade and will be with us forever. I read my first Nancy Drew book in the 5th grade and quickly went through every book my school library had (Minnehaha Elementary in Two Harbors, MN). After that I tackled the Two Harbors Public Library and finished off those as well.
There was just something so fearless and gutsy about her that you rooted for her and just knew she would solve the case either alone or with her friends Bess and George. Of course you can forget her boyfriend the adorable Ned Nickerson. She used her brains and wit to solve every case put before her.
For those who have never read these books before I encourage you to give them a try. Those of you who are familiar with them I hope you give the a second look and rediscover your love of them once more.
I have to say I loved Nancy Drew, too. And I always thought Ned was a placeholder...he never figured in stories except to give Nancy a ride here and there. Nice little character introduction!
Nancy was my heroine! (Only, I actually thought of her as a HERO!).
Nancy Drew books were one of the first books I read, ever. I heart her!
Thanks Ryan. I was going to clean the house tomorrow but now I have to go and buy a whole bunch of Nancy Drew books ^_^
I LOVED Nancy Drew!! She was the one who gave me my love of mysteries and crime! I also saw myself as a bit like her, always wanted to solve clues. I saw a batch of hardback a few months ago actually and bought a set of 12! Great post! :)
Hello, Ryan! I haven't read a single Nancy Drew yet. I read mostly Hardy Boys detective novels. Have you read The Bobssey Twins? They're my favorite! I think they came out the same time as Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys.
That's funny. I was thinking about Nancy Drew today, too.
I'm saddened to say that I've never read a Nancy Drew novel. I recently picked up a few at a booksale as everyone keeps telling me how wonderful she is. Since I love mystery, I know I'm going to love Nancy Drew stories.
Great post, Ryan :)
I have vowed to begin acquiring Nancy Drew books! Check out my post on POTPOURRI at http://rainysnowday.wordpress.com/
I still have my (incomplete) set of Nancy Drew books. I loved her and may try to reread eventually. Maybe I can get my boys to read them when they get a little older. It's true that they were always very suspenseful and they like to read so hopefully...
I was going to do my fictional character post this week, but I'm going to plan on doing it next week. I have a lot going on this week. I wonder if you can guess who it will be?
And please stop by and pick up yet another award!
I loved Nancy's hair. Encyclopedia Brown - now that brings me back.
I've never read a Nancy Drew book! I guess I really should, at some point. I did read a few Trixie Belden books. Same idea... different character.
My mom started Alyssa on Nancy Drew since it was one of her childhood favorites. They managed to get the whole series by going to used book stores. We have some great old copies. Jake and I read them too. Honestly, we liked them better than the Hardy boys!
OMG! I still have my Nancy Drew collection, I have almost all of them. My favorite thing was when I was "sick" from school, my mom would make me chicken noodle soup and go to the library and pick up 4 or 5 Nancy Drews for me. Sometimes I'll pick one up when I am sick (for real sick) or just feeling nostalgic.
PS- please don't tell my mom I sometimes faked being sick
I have an award for you here .
Nancy Drew and I go way back! I loved these books when I was a kid, and was so happy when my daughter was able to read and enjoy them (not my original books ... I wish!)
My grandparents were always buying stuff from garage sales and once bought me a nice collection of older Nancy Drews. I think they had a blue cloth cover, and I remember her car was referred to as a "roadster."
Aahhh, Nancy Drew. Yes, I remember her. If there is anyone out there who has not heard of her they should go look for her books right now. I think she had a big part in many peoples lives, and it sounds as she had a huge impact on yours as well. Great pick this week!
I finally got my FFC up. If you would like to stop by...
La Coccinelle- I loved Trixie Belden books too. I have the whole collection
Celia, I'm so glad I was able to do a post on a character that so many people love.
Laurel, She was every much a HERO! I'll be heading over there to check out your post once I'm done responding to all the comments here.
Elena, You can still clean house, just take reading breaks from time to time.
Carolyn, I'm so jealous of everyone who has gotten their hands on some of the older sets. I need to start looking.
Peter, I have never read the Bobsey Twins though I always mean to. You should pick up some of the Nancy Drew books, they are great.
Carol, She is always a nice friend to revisist every once in a while.
Bella, Have fun reading once you get to them. I hope you love them.
Michelle, I'm sure your boys will like them as well. I'll be stopping by for the award in a bit.
Stephanie, Encyclopedia Brown was a lot of fun!
Coccinelle, I'm ashamed to admit I've never heard of Trixie...I guess I need to get caught up.
Deb, There is nothing like a a great love from your childhood to make you feel better when you are sick. And your secret is safe with me.
Gregory, She was a lot more fun than the Hardy Boys, though I had a blast with them as well.
Zia, Thank you so much.
Dawn, I'm so glad you you love these books as much as I do.
Melissa, I'll be coming by in a bit.
Nancy Drew! I love Nancy Drew! Fun FFC!
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