Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Teaser Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here is how it works.

Grab the book you are currently reading
(anything at all)
Open the book to any random page.
Share 2 "teaser" sentences from anywhere on the page.
Please Make Sure They Are Not Spoilers!(Don't Give Too Much Away)
Just enough to pique our interest.
List the book and author so other participants can get their hand on it
if they choose to read it as well.

For This Week:

Lupie pulled back his eyelids ... and gasped in astonishment as she watched the completely white, film eyeballs -- the eyes of the dead -- transform suddenly back to the eyes of the living with a pair of pupils appearing like the dot that used to grow on old TV screens. The piercing monotone coming from the ECG screen next to the bed suddenly beeped back to peak-and-trough life.

From the story "Baby Homeless Broken Hearts Club" from the book Let Slip the Dogs of Love: Suburban Legends of the Living and the Dead by Eugene Kachmarsky


Amy said...

Yikes! Now that's a startling tease!

Jennifer said...

Very intriguing teaser. Mine is here: http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/09/puzzle-king-teaser-tuesdays.html

Ceri said...

Woah, what a teaser! Good choice. Whenever I see descriptions of eyes, I always think of that scene from A Clockwork Orange.

Zia said...

Oh that's kind of creepy. I love it!

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

Well that's a tease to kick off the first week of October, the spookiest month there is. !

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Wow! What descriptors!

My tease can be found here:


Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

Creepy! I'm with Ceri on this, eyeballs and A Clockwork Orange go hand in hand ;)

bookmagic said...

ick, eyeballs are gross!

Cecelia said...

Creepy in the extreme! But great teaser!

You can check mine out here.

Anonymous said...

Ew! Great teaser. Definitely leaves me wondering what's going on.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Celi.a, I will be adding to the book pile.

Phyl said...

Oh my, what an intriguing teaser! That would be absolutely unnerving, to see that happen. Gives me the shudders.

Meanwhile, my own teaser is at Bookishgal.

jlshall said...

Strange developments! Not sure the book would be my cuppa, but it does sound intriguing. Good teaser.

Melissa (My World...in words and pages) said...

I think I would have to let go and not look any longer. ***shivering***

Great teaser Ryan.

I have not done a teaser this week. I am trying out the Where are you? blog idea. If you would like to stop by and check it out I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Staci said...

Creepy and after seeing that I would probably pass out cold!!