Mailbox Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page.
First up are all the books I won from other bloggers and got in the mail last week:
Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey from Stephanie at Misfit Salon. I'm really excited about this one. What could be better than a YA book about a young orphan working for a doctor that specializes in monsters?
Beat the Reaper by Josh Bazell from Jaime at Revenge of the Book Nerds. This book has had some great reviews some I'm looking forward to getting a chance to read it.
PastWorld by Ian Beck from Krista at Life or Something Like It... I have already started and almost finished this YA book and I have to agree with Krista that it is wonderful. Imagine Victorian England as a theme park with a very real element of danger from a genetically engineered Jack the Ripper character.
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold from Kim at My Eclectic Reads. I'm not that familiar with this book other than the reviews I've read of it, but just the dust jacket description makes it sound wonderful.
I also received two books from BBAW contests:
Eye of the Crow by Shane Peacock. I received this from Tundra Books, though I'm not sure what contest it was from. It looks really good though, it's a YA book about Sherlock Holmes as a boy getting his 1st case.
Bear-ly There by Rebekah Raye. I received this one from Tilbury House Publishers and I won it from the BBAW Favorite Picture Book giveaway. I have not had a chance to read this picture book yet but it seems to be about a young boy who tries to get a bear to go back into the woods before something bad happens to it. I'm really looking forward to reading this with my son.
I did manage to buy one book over last week:
Daemons Are Forever by Simon R. Green. This was the follow up to The Man With the Golden Torc and I loved it just as much (review to come later).
My roommate's mother gave me a whole sack of paperbacks she found in her building and for the most part they were romance novels, which aren't my favorite. However there were 4 of them I thought I could at least try to read.
A Is For Alibi by Sue Grafton. I have never read any of the Kinsey Millhone novels before so I'm sort of looking forward to this one. At least it's the first in the series.
The last 3 are Morrigan's Cross, Dance of the Gods, and Valley of Silence. They compose The Circle Trilogy by Nora Roberts. I'm sure they are more romance than anything else but at least they have a lot of supernatural characters (from what I could tell from the back covers), so I figured I could at least give them a try.
You've got a nice haul. Here is mine
Very nice set of books you got last week. I love Sue Grafton's Alphabet series, though I am a couple behind now. Too many good books and just not enough hours in a day.
You are very lucky when it comes to contests aren't you!!
Wow Ryan, once again you are really stacking them up over there. I didn't add to the stack yet this week, but I have to get some reading done before I can add more. I am so addicted to buying books its not even funny.
Great list of new books!
I have to say that Nora Roberts' books are a guilty pleasure of mine. I agree there is a lot of romance contained in her books, but she balances it nicely with substance and mystery. I like to read her books, along with some others like them, for "light" reading. I usually read books like hers in between some of my "heavier" reads. Enjoy!
Wow, what a great list. Enjoy!
Great list this week! Monstrumologist sounds great! :) Looking forward to your reviews!
OMG, you have won a ton of awesome books :) I'm so glad you are enjoying Pastworld as much as I did! It really was a fun book! Congrats on all the wins! Happy reading to you!
Blue, Thank you. It was a good week.
Zia, This will be my first one, I hope I like it.
Deb, Thank Goodness!
Melissa, Thank you. At least I'm not the only one with an addiction problem.
Tracy, I hope I like this trilogy. I'm new to her books.
Carol, I sure plan on it!
Krista, I loved it. I totally owe you one.
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