Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mailbox Monday for 10/10/11

Mailbox Monday is a weekly meme created by Marcia at A Girl and Her Books and is being hosted all this month by Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit.

I received an ARC of Practical Jean by Trevor Cole for an upcoming TLC Book Tour


bermudaonion said...

I love that cover! I hope the book is as good as the cover.

Staci said...

I believe Jean could be a bit wicked!! Love the cover too!

Anonymous said...

I got Practical Jean as well. I am looking forward to it!

Harvee44 said...

I was expecting her to wear a pair of jeans - Practical Jean. Enjoy the book! Here are a few books on my shelves listed in the right column of my blog.

Peggy@Peggy Ann's Post said...

Love the cover! will check out this book! Check out my mailbox

Beth(bookaholicmom) said...

Practical Jean looks like she may have had to be practical and get rid of someone! You gotta love a woman who can stab someone in heels. Great cover!

Blodeuedd said...

Enjoy :) First time I am seeing he book around

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy it.

Mary (Bookfan) said...

I'm curious so I'll be watching for the blog tour reviews.

Teddyree said...

Practical Jean is new to me but I've seen it coming on a few blogs now. Hope you enjoy it :)

Teddyree said...

Practical Jean is new to me but I've seen it coming on a few blogs now. Hope you enjoy it :)

Mystica said...

New to me as well - like to see what you think of this one.

Serena said...

Enjoy your book!...sounds like a good one.

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

A small week this week. :) Hope you have a wonderful one.

Oh, you know what. Did the box ever make it to you? I haven't got it back yet. I hope so. Wonder if it's lost in the mail somewhere now. :(

Julie said...

I had to go an look this one up, since the cover is so appealing! When I saw the types of observations he makes compared to the strangely twisted but still hilarious Six feet Under and Dexter, I had to put this one on my wishlist! Enjoy!

Jess - A Book Hoarder said...

Goodness this sounds fantastically terrible and I think I am going to have to read it!