What's not to like? She strong, sexy and can kick butt in heeled boots. Buffy Summers is my choice for the second post of my favorite fictional characters.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is still my favorite TV show of all time. Watching the character grow from a sophomore in HS unsure of her powers and unwilling to use them, to a strong, independent adult who is willing to sacrifice herself for others was a pleasure to watch. Buffy was the kind of girl you would want to hang out with at the mall or have watching your back in the local graveyard.
She is resourceful, and able to fight through all the pain and hurt in order to defend her friends, and the world, from descending into Hell. When she dies, which she did twice, she comes back and keeps fighting the good fight. When she is beaten she regroups and comes back for more, until the job is done.
She is loyal to her friends and family and willing to put them first, over her own needs and safety. She is resilient and able to change plans midway through. Whether it's in complete silence or during a song and dance number, she is able to focus on her duty, do the job, and go home again.
I agree! I loved her and the show...really miss it actually :(
Me too....I own every season on DVD and go through them at least once a year. My favorite episodes were "Hush", "The Body", and "Once More With Feeling"
Man, I never really watched Buffy growing up. I think I only seen a few episodes, but I did like the ones I ended up seeing, really cool!
I've never really been into T.V. shows really. I always seem to miss too many episodes, so I have to buy the DVD's and they can be a little pricey at times.
But one I've seen and a Charter I love would have to be Prison Break’s Wentworth Miller (aka) Michael Scofield! Maybe this is superficial but I just think he is SOOO SUPER HOT!...LOL! No, really though, I loved the show, and he was such a caring and put everyone else in front of my needs kind of person.
Hey, did you know Miller's first TV appearance was as student-turned-sea monster Gage Petronzi on "Go Fish" episode 20 of season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I just read this two seconds ago and had to share, because it was just a weird and too funny coincidence. Pretty cool, though!
I did know that but forgot it. He wasn't that great in the show but he was young so all is forgiven.
This was my favourite TV show too - I just loved it, so bummed when it finished :( Nothing has managed to replace it. I own all DVD's too and I watched them from beginning to end in one sitting (when my husband was away on business and I couldn't sleep) When I finished I started on Angel, not as good but still it did help with the loss..... ;)
Angel was still good. I liked it better before the joined Wolfram & Hart. It had a kind of P.I. noir about it the first season.
Okay, sorry for the delay in responding. I was trying to get all in order around the house before I left Friday morning to go to DC. Then I didn't know if anyone would notice when I did post last night. But here I am.
Since you did a television series, I will stick with the same theme. I know I don't have to but thought it would work out well since I am limited on my books. (I will save them for another time.)
I am going to pick Phoebe from Charmed. I really liked Alyssa Milano in this character. She started the show as a young wild child and her character grew up through the years on the show. Even when she was evil or good she could kick some hind end. When see lost her powers she still was strong and could take our a demon with the best of them, with her own two hands and using her head (to think that is).
Know I have to ponder on the thought again since tomorrow is Tuesday again. LOL ;) I think I can come up with someone...
You have an extra day since I've been doing this on Wed. :-) Phoebe was cool, she was my favorite on the show. Piper did seem the stronger as far as emotional stability.
Piper was the most sensible of the sisters. Even though Prue was to be the rock, I think Piper was more of the stable rock they all needed to pull them down to reality of the human world a little more.
Speaking of Alyssa Milano she has a new series that may be coming out, Romantically Challenged. I heard about it on the radio this morning. From what I heard it doesn't sound very good, but I will have to look into it on line to see for sure. I even liked Alyssa as a child in Who's the Boss. I liked that whole show as a child with Tony Danza and the woman, Judy... oh I forget her name now.
Judith Light
Thank you. All I could remember was Judy something. I hate when that happens to me.
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